Ecctis is the UK National Information Centre for Global Qualifications. It offers official UK national agency services on behalf of the UK government in global qualifications. While UK-based, Ecctis provides independent evaluation and benchmarking services to education governmental agencies, universities, and professional bodies across the globe.
Ecctis has completed a thorough review of the grade 10-12 Maple Leaf World School Program (MLWSP) in terms of entry requirements, duration, structure, content, modes of learning, student assessment, learning outcomes, and graduation (diploma) standards. Ecctis compared the MLWSP to grade 10-12 programs and diploma standards in the UK, Canada (British Columbia), and the United States (New York).
The overall conclusion of Ecctis’ independent review and benchmarking of the Maple Leaf World School Program and Diploma reads as follows:
Overall conclusion: Ecctis' independent review has found the MLWSP High School Diploma, awarded by Maple Leaf Educational Systems (MLES), comparable to:
Holders of the MLWSP Grade 12 diploma may be considered to meet the general entry requirements of undergraduate admission in the UK, Canada, and US.
Dr. Sherman Jen, Founder, Chair, and CEO of China Maple Leaf Educational Systems (CMLES), commented, “This is great news for Maple Leaf’s World School Program (MLWSP). This significant ECCTIS benchmarking result is another verification of that which universities around the world have recognized, that MLWSP high school graduates are well prepared for entrance into the world’s quality universities. The MLWSP is being recognized globally as a high standard program, like IB or Cambridge. Of the 1,145 grade 12 MLWSP graduates in June 2023, one hundred percent received university admission letters, and approximately eighty percent were accepted into the top 100 QS-ranked universities in the world.”
James Beeke, CMLES Superintendent of Global Education, stated, “Ecctis’s positive benchmarking of the MLWSP provides another high-level, independent verification of the quality standards of the MLWSP. Unlike other educational programs, the MLWSP is unique as an English language curriculum designed for students whose first language is not English and home culture is not western enabling them to reach high international standards and graduate from grade 12 with a comparable diploma as students in the UK, Canada, and United States. This opens a world of opportunity for MLWSP graduates to enter high quality universities around the world. The uniqueness of the MLWSP and success of its graduates will also generate interest in the MLWSP in many non-English, non-Western countries worldwide.”