Students are also provided with official ‘interim’ transcripts, mid-year, once mid-term exam grades have been confirmed. These official ‘interim’ transcripts are printed on standard paper and stamped by the school as official. Interim transcripts can be provided to post-secondary institutions to meet requirements for ‘conditional’ offers of admission. Interim grades are released digitally to universities and colleges where students have applied through registration on the Online Post Secondary Institutions Selections form on the BC Ministry of Education website. These transcripts do not include final grades, and cannot be used to secure guaranteed admission into a undergraduate program of studies.

All Maple Leaf high school transcripts issued after June 2013 are printed on special watermarked paper, to prevent the unauthorized duplication or alteration of official transcripts. This measure has been put in place to ensure the integrity of the transcripts issued by Maple Leaf International Schools, both for the reassurance of universities or colleges accepting Maple Leaf transcripts, as well as for our student’s peace of mind.


For transcripts issued prior to the security measures being instituted (before June 2013), and for any concerns you may have about the authenticity of an official transcript provided by a Maple Leaf graduate, we encourage you to personally contact the BC principal of the school where the student attended. Please also copy all your verification requests to the Superintendent, BC Program Peter Froese (

Maple Leaf is committed to ensuring that all of our graduates honestly represent their accomplishments, and welcomes any and all inquiries into transcript and grade authenticity.

Additionally, for post-secondary institutions in British Columbia, Maple Leaf graduates have the ability to use their PEN number to fill out the online PSI (Post-Secondary Institution) Selection form, which allows their official Ministry of Education grades to be transmitted directly to your institution. Please ensure you get the PEN number of all Maple Leaf graduates who apply to attend your institution, to ensure you receive their official grade 10, 11 and 12 grades as soon as they are available.

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