Maple Leaf Educational Systems has developed the Maple Leaf World Schools Program (MLWSP) for its high schools. MLWSP is a global, university-prep, English language high school curriculum designed for international and domestic learners. This innovative curriculum emphasizes academic excellence through a diverse, dynamic, engaging learning environment that includes higher-level thinking skills and inquiry-based learning resulting in students being prepared for future success at reputable universities and as contributing global leaders and citizens.
Dual high school diploma-Chinese high school diploma and Maple Leaf world School diploma accredited by Cognia
Ecctis recognizes MLWS curriculum
and benchmarks it
against A-level and BC
An experienced principal, with a full staff of highly qualified International teachers.
Maple Leaf high school offer a wide choice of elective courses and students choose classes based on their personal academic interests.
Course Credits | Course | Description |
1 | English 10-1 | Required |
1 | English 10-II | Required |
1 | Math 10 or Math 10 Futures | One Math Required |
1 | Science 10 | Required |
1 | World History and Geography 10 | Required |
1 | Physical Education 10 | Required |
0.5 | Electives (Drama,Art,Foods,Music,CS) | 2 |
0.5 | Personal and Global Leadership 10 | Required |
0.5 | Creative Thinking and Problem Solving10 | Required |
1 | Chinese Social Studies or CSL | Required |
1 | Chinese or CSL | Required |
10 Blocks in Schedule, 10 course credits prescribed
English Placement test prior to program entry.
Standardized System Assessments for English and Math.
Courses will be available in summer school.
Foundations Math = Engineering and Science Math.
Futures Math = Engineering and Science Math.
Moral Education is taught during night study 0.3 credits in Grade 10.
Course Credits | Course | Description |
1 | English 11-1 | Required |
1 | English 11-2 | Required |
1 | Math 11 or Math Futures 11 | One Math Required |
1 | World History and Geography 11 | Required |
1 | Chemistry 11, or Biology 11, or Physics 11, or Environmental Science 11 | Once Science Required, others can be taken as electives |
1 | Physical Education 11 | Elective |
1 | Electives (Drama, Theatre Production, Art, Foods, Music, etc.) | Elective |
1 | Business 11 Electives (Computer Science, Marketing and eCommerce, Accounting, Digital Media) | Elective |
0.5 | Personal & Global Leadership 11 | Required |
0.5 | Creative Thinking and Problem Solving 11 | Required |
1 | Chinese Social Studies or CSL | Required |
1 | Chinese or CSL | Required |
1 | Online course | 1 Required in 11 or 12 |
1 | Board Approves Courses: Teaching Assistant 11, Golf 11, Yoga and Wellness 11, Economics 11 etc. | Elective |
10 Blocks in Schedule, 8 courses prescribed, 2 electives
Online Courses may be offered during Night Study, students may be able to choose to take an online course during an assigned block during the school day.
Moral Education is taught during night study 0.3 credits in Grade 11.
International Students complete 2 credits of Chinese as a Second Language Courses (CSL).
Standardized System Assessments for English and Math will be held at the end of the year on addition to course exams.
EILTS testing in second semester of Grade 11.
Courses will be available in summer school.
Foundations Math = Pre-Calculus - Humanities and Business Math.
Futures Math = Calculus - Engineering, Math and Science Math.
Course Credits | Course | Description |
1 | English 12-1 and one of: English 12-2, AP Literature, Creative Writing 12, Journalism 12 | 2 Required credits Required |
1 | Math 12, or Math 12 Features, AP Calculus | 2 Required credits Required |
1 | Biology 12, or AP Biology, or Chemistry 12, or AP Chemistry, or Physics 12, or AP Physics, or Environmental Science 12 | 2 Required credits Required |
1 | World History 12, Geography 12, Law 12 | 2 Required credits Required |
1 | AP World History | 1 Math Required |
1 | AP Chinese Language and Culture | 1 Math Required |
1 | AP Computer Science | 1 Math Required |
1 | Business Electives (Computer Science, Economics, Marketing, Accounting, Digital Media) | 1 Science Required |
1 | Arts 12 Electives (Drama, Art, Foods, Music, etc) | 1 Science Required |
1 | Physical Education 12 | 1 Science Required |
1 | Personal and Global Leadership 12 | 1 Science Required |
1 | Creative Thinking and Problem Solving 12 | 1 Science Required |
1 | Chinese Social Studies or CSL | 1 Science Required |
1 | Chinese or CSL | Elective |
1 | One online or dual credit course | Elective |
Board Approved Courses: Yoga and Wellness, Teaching Assistant, Psychology, Philosophy, International Relations, History of Rock and Roll, Film Studies, PE Superfit, Tourism, Model United Nations, Multivariable Calculus, Probability, etc. |
10 Blocks in Schedule, 5 courses prescribed, 5 electives (2 credits required)
Online courses may be offered during Night Study, students may be able to choose to take an online or Dual Credit course and assigned block during the school day as well.
(Anticipated University level courses include Calculus, Psychology, and Economics)
Moral Education is taught during night study 0.4 credits and Economics
International Students complete 2 credits of Chinese as a Second Language Courses (CSL)
Summer School will be available.
Standardized System Assessments for English and Math will be held at the end of the year in addition to course exams.
IELTS Testing will be available 1st semester of Grade 12.