BC High School Program


Maple Leaf International Schools’ high school program mirrors the high school curriculum offered in British Columbia, Canada. Through an agreement with the British Columbia Ministry of Education, supported by an accreditation process, which includes annual inspections, Maple Leaf International Schools offer the offshore BC high school diploma program. The Superintendent, BC Program, supervises the program system-wide to ensure compliance at each school. At each Maple Leaf international high school the BC Program is led by an experienced BC principal, with a full staff of highly qualified Canadian teachers. All Canadian academic teachers and administrators are BC certified educators with verified credentials.

The BC Ministry of Education mandates the curriculum content, which provides the same foundation skills as are delivered students in schools in British Columbia. Maple Leaf students write the same electronic provincial examinations as those students studying in BC. These exams are written in our schools under careful and strict invigilation conditions. Provincial exams marked in BC in accordance with the Ministry of Education criteria. This ensures all results are unbiased and graded to the same standard.

At the high school level all courses that meet the credit requirements of the BC Graduation Program are fully taught in English. The BC Graduation Program policy and requirements can be view on the Ministry website.

Opportunities for students to develop language fluency and oral communication are a part of every course. Maple Leaf students graduate with the skills that making them ideal global candidates for top-level college and universities worldwide.

The length of the program will depend on the level of academic English a student has when entering the program. Maple Leaf offers 2 preparatory ESL levels. For more information about our preparatory ESL, please visit here.

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